Mini-Mystery Crochet Along #13 – Guest Designer

Hello & Welcome to our 13th Mini-Mystery Crochet Along! If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to sign-up for our newsletter so that you don’t miss out on future mini-mystery crochet alongs! I always send out a newsletter a couple days before the next MMCAL begins so you have time to choose yarn from your stash and get everything ready. 




If you’re new to our Mini-Mystery Crochet Alongs, please read our Information Guide in this blog post HERE. YOU’LL FIND ALL IMPORTANT MMCAL INFO & OUR FAQ’S!


Free Mini-Mystery Crochet Alongs hosted by A Crocheted Simplicity


Guest Designer Introduction

I’m so excited to announce our next guest designer, Carol from Sweet Potato Crochet Creations!!! Carol has over 70 designs in her Ravelry shop (both paid & free). Designs ranging from home decor to garments, you’re sure to find something that catches your eye! Here are 2 of my favorites for summer (photos below): Amelia Toddler Sundress (premium crochet pattern)  and  Enlaced Underbrush Shrug (free crochet pattern)


Crochet Pattern - Amelia Toddler Sundress by Sweet Potato Crochet Creations


Free Crochet Pattern Enlaced Underbrush Shrug


While you’re patiently waiting for the MMCAL to begin, pop on over and visit Carol on her blog where she shares free patterns, tips, and techniques (Click HERE to visit her blog).

You’ll also want to stop by Carol’s Ravelry shop where she has generously set up a code for all of us for 50% off our total purchase  from now through Sunday, 6/23/19. Use Coupon Code: MMCAL   (Click here to visit her Ravelry Shop)


Mini-Mystery Crochet Along #13 Schedule, Material List & Prizes

This MMCAL will be posted in 3 segments. When it is time for Segments 1 – 3 to be posted, check the Facebook or Ravelry groups for the links, or simply head on over to Sweet Potato Crochet Creations Blog

MMCAL Schedule

  • Material List & Schedule Announcement: SCROLL DOWN – Right here in this post!
  • Segment 1: Friday, June 21, 2019 at 5am CST. >> Click HERE for the pattern <<
  • Segment 2: Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 5am CST.
  • Segment 3: Sunday, June 23, 2019 at 5am CST.
  • Monday, June 24, 2019: MMCAL Closes & winners will be drawn. Winners will be announced around noon CST.


This post contains affiliate links.



Many of these materials are available for purchase through our affiliates below:

Lion Brand Yarn 525-209 Man...Shop on Amazon Clover 1045/G Purple Amour ...Shop on Amazon Fiskars 154110-1001 Non-sti...Shop on Amazon Lion Brand Yarn 400-5-5002 ...Shop on Amazon Better Crafts 5 Pieces 8 In...Shop on Amazon


> Note About Color Choices <

  • If choosing colors without knowing what you’re making drives you a little crazy, you can always reach out to the designer and ask for suggestions. Not everyone would like to know colors so this is why we don’t share them until the end. 🙂 

Segment #1 


  • (1) Winner will receive a pattern of choice from both A Crocheted Simplicity & Sweet Potato Crochet Creations AND a yarn prize from A Crocheted Simplicity
  • (3) Winners will each receive a pattern of choice from both A Crocheted Simplicity & Sweet Potato Crochet Creations
  • Each photo you post will receive a number throughout the MMCAL. Please keep track of your numbers as we use these numbers to draw winners! 


Make sure you’ve joined us in the A Crocheted Simplicity Facebook Group or the A Crocheted Simplicity Ravelry Group so you don’t miss out on entering to win the prizes! Once in the group, simply look for the MMCAL post or the black & white MMCAL graphic and you’ll find us!

Hope to see you there!




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